Saturday, October 8, 2011

This Weekend: Park Avenue Autumn

Consistency is a pretty good word to describe my dining preferences.  I have been known to walk 25+ blocks out of my way for a morning cappuccino at my favorite spot, conveniently located around the corner from an old job, and not-so-conveniently located to just about everything else in my life. 

But I also love the philosophy of eating seasonally- ingredients are freshest, healthiest, and most in tune with the weather & our moods.   So the concept of Park Avenue NYC is for me, one of those, why-didn't-I-think-of-that! ideas, appealing to both the comfort-lover and the advernturer in me.

Every three months, the restaurant closes its doors for 48 hours and undergoes a total metamorphosis- menu, beverages, decor, atmosphere- with each season.

So when I received my quarterly dispatch, full of items like, Fig Carpaccio with Hoja Santa Goat Cheese, Pumpkin Risotto, Goat Cheese and Fig Tart, and Carmelized Honey Ice Cream, I had already started planning my next trip there.  And then came the news that my old favorite had decided to spice things up a little bit.

Rumor (OK, fine, it was UrbanDaddy) has it that the latest incarnation of Park Avenue is going to be serving clientele on Saddam Hussein's personal plates.  If this is a marketing ploy, you've got me.  Reservation booked.  Photos to come, I promise.

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